Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Court Story example

Link: www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-ford1mar01,1,7250264.story?ctrack=2&cset=true

In this court story example a judge dismissed charges against a man (Enoch Lonnie Ford) who was accused of violating court orders when he talked to the LA Times about his alleged sexual encounter with Paul Crouch, the owner and founder of Trinity Broadcasting Network.

I feel that this story was a good example of a court story. It had good details on the events that had occurred. This story is a follow-up of the court precedings that have been going on since 1998. It focused on the latest developments with Ford who allegedly spoke with the LA Times even though he was under a gag order. As with many articles, the most important and late breaking news events were situated at the beginning of the story, and the background facts about the ongoing case was placed towards the end.

I also felt that this story was well written because of the language that was used. Although the article used terms that are designed for a courtroom setting, they were not jargon that the average reader could not decipher. It flowed smoothly from start to finish and was not hard to understand.

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