Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Terry Schiavo Blog


1. The central controversary is that Schiavo's parents are fighting to keep Terry on life support via a feeding tube while here husband wants it removed so she can die in peace.

2. The competing interest is really for what Terry would have wanted and the fact that her parents and her husband do not agree on what that would be. Her parents feel she would have wanetd to "live" wheras her husband said she told him she would not.

3. Well for republicans you have the conservative view that gov't should not be involved in a state matter. However, the Bush camp won the election on morals and beliefs so to ignore this case would hurt a man who has many right to life supporters.

4. The article was very informative. However it was more of an update with a refresher at the end. It really didn't get into the legal aspects in detail. Still, thier is a graphic on the situation and purpose of the feeding tube that appears in the text version not online.

5. About Right

6. I think that the article informed you on what was going on currently and gave you a history, though brief in the B matter.

7. I think the article had great quotes from people you want to here from such as family members of Schiavo.

8. I think a weakness in this article is in its lack of reponse from the husbands side. However, I think that the news in the story makes it more of a story about the people fighting to "save" Terry Schiavo instead of the people trying to help her "rest in peace". Overall, pretty good.

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