Monday, October 23, 2006

hold - leach

With concerns about revenue and upcoming budget cuts clearly on the minds of city officials, ways to address the issue has become a bit a hot topic as of late. Controversy in regard to financing the Leach Amphilitheater, in particular, has divided both city council members and citizens alike.

The cost of running the amphitheater is said to cost $20,000 each month with a portion of money coming from city taxpayers. This monthly maintenance cost, according to Oshkosh Common Councilor Paul Esslinger, could be partially offset by implementing a $1 surcharge on Leach tickets that exceed $5. Esslinger’s logic revolves around the premise that a surcharge would, in affect, increase funds towards the upkeep of the amphitheater.

“A lot of people from outside the city come to the amphitheater and so this is one way they could help us pay for services and debt on the amphitheater,” Esslinger said in an Oshkosh Northwester article.

Esslinger’s plan seems straightforward and simple enough. However, steadfast opposition to the proposal from various parties remains. For one, some promoters and organizers fear that the increase in ticket prices could affect ticket sales. In addition, some council members expressed concern about the bill at Tuesday night’s council meeting saying that (fill in here).

David Leach, himself, even raised concern about the ordinance, expressing opposition in a letter sent to City Manager Richard Wollangk.

Despite the majority opposition from members of the Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce, some citizens remain open to the idea of adding the surcharge. In fact, according to an online opinion poll conducted on, nearly 70% of the 156 respondents claimed that the fee was “not a regressive tax” and that “fees are a fact of life and this $1 surcharge is nothing more than a handling fee to help pay for the facility.

The Leach Amphitheater, first opened in 2005, seats 7,000 people. It has been host to regular concert series and shows throughout the area.

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