Wednesday, April 20, 2005

profile story sample

Jane Fonda has a new gig. Again.

The Oscar-winning actress, activist, exercise guru and former retiree is in a two-month period of hawking her memoir, "My Life So Far." This requires the author to share the embarrassing, sad and often navel-gazing stories from her book time and time again.

The lead is alternative to the journal sentinal because it is multiple paragraphs. Normally the story is news is presented in the lead. In this case the lead sentence develops the readers interest in the second paragraph. By doing this you gain the readers curiosity.

I dont think that this lead fits any of the examples but it is effective as stated earlier.

The main point of the story is Jane Fonda's reemergence into the public light after she "retired". The story then sheds light on her life.

I had trouble finding a paragraph that was a "nut". Not sure where is missed on that

The article goes more into describing Fonda's life and the feelings she had about things versus actual physical description. It used words like glamerous and beautiful. It describes her as a sex symbol after "Barberella". It also takes you into her life now as a grandmother.

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