Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Crime story example

Link: www.nytimes.com/2005/02/14/nyregion/14jewelry.html?oref=login

The article I read was about two 23-year-olds (Christopher DiMeo and Nicole Pearce) who went on a crime spree. They stole jewelry and killed three people. I believe this is a good example of a crime story because encompassed a lot of information and gave many good details.
The article gave background information on the suspects. This included their families relationships and their criminal background. I felt that the author of the article tried to give the story some life because he used a lot of descriptive adjectives.

The author also gathered the information from a variety of sources such as: relatives, friends, teachers and land lords. Quotes were used to describe the pair and their life. Another good aspect of the story was the author gave full coverage on how the crime played out. It explained how much was stolen, where the stores were located, and who had been killed.

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