Monday, February 28, 2005

Example- court case

I believe the article I read was a good example of how complicated court cases can be. The story is about a couple from Montgomery County who has brought a case to the Supreme Court demanding that school officials prove that they are following the rules under the Individuals with Disabilities Act. This “law requires that public schools grant every disabled child a ‘free appropriate special education’ tailored to the child’s specific needs.”

The couple in the story requested a hearing after their son, who has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, was removed from various schools because they “offered no special education programs.” The couple decided to enroll their son in a private school and sued for reimbursement for their son’s new school tuition.

The story goes on to explain how after the parents lost the suit, they brought their case to the U.S. District Court and gained support from the judge who then ordered the system to pay the parents for their son’s tuition. The Montgomery school system appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals which then ruled against the couple. The couple has just recently appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Although this article was not very long, it really made me realize how complex court cases can be. I thought it was interesting how this case seems to go back and forth between the couple and the school system. I do not know if there is anyway of solving this matter, because it seems as though both sides genuinely believe they are correct. I would be curious to know how long it continues.

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