Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Observations and Quote

15 min. Observation
I began my observations with walking to Polk Library. As I sat down to start jotting down some notes I heard a lot of feet shuffling, sniffling, one person even sneezed. One woman smiled most others frowned and gave scowling looks if they knew you were watching them and writing it down. There was the sound of jeans swishing and coins jingling. Most people kept to themselves and placed their hands in their pockets when they were not opening doors or carrying something. People had blonde, brunette, black, red, or grey colored hair. One person had all these hair colors in their hair, except the grey. Backpacks were slung over individual shoulders while others over both. One man was intently focused on a computer screen, hand placed on chin and his elbow supporting his weight. Some people waved and said hello, even though I did not know them, but they new I was watching them. Some yawned, drank water, drank from thermoses, which smelled like coffee, helped to open doors if others were carrying too much. A few men were had unshaved faces. One man had a backpack filled to the point were it looked like it might burst. One woman had an unusually strong perfume on.

Quote of the day
“Lawn gnomes are great, but pink flamingos are the ultimate lawn accessory… if you live in a trailer.”
-- Julie Thyssen

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