Monday, April 25, 2005

rough draft personality profile

Michael Zimmerman, dean of the College of Letters and Science and Biology professor, has had many works published, including books and columns.

When born, grew up.

Zimmerman attended the University of Chicago where he graduated in 1974 with an associate bachelor’s degree in Geography. He than attended the University of St. Louis where he received his P.H.D in Ecology.

In 1995 he published his book “Science, Non-Science and Non-sense: Approaching Environmental Literacy,” which helps the public make informed judgments on science.

Zimmerman has also been a newspaper columnist that specializes in scientific and environmental issues. His columns have appeared in many Op-Ed columns, including the Los Angeles Times Syndicate. He has also had book reviews published around the country.

Zimmerman is also past editor of the Newsletter of the Ohio Center for Science Education.

When did he move to Oshkosh?
Quotes from friends.
Zimmerman currently lives in Oshkosh and is divorced from his wife.

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