Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Quote & Observation

"Truly great movies not only allow you to feel the emotion, but live the emotion," said Abigail Zellmer, sophomore.

I sat in Reeve Memorial Union for 15 minutes and here is what I observed.

The first thing I noticed was the obvious - people eating lunch and talking.
It was a very busy environment.
Reeve was filled with noises of people talking and laughing.
It was very bright, with lots of advertising, and there were also flags hanging from the ceiling.
There were groups of people studying by Mi Taza. One girl was talking on her cell phone, while three other girls were trying to study around her. They kept looking up at her and tapping their feet.
The blenders from Mi Taza would also make a horrendous sound around every five minutes.
There was also three stands set up, which no one stopped at unless they knew the person.
The palm-reading stand had 2 people stop; they were both friends of the people working.
People walking by the stands seemed interested in what was going on, but didn't stop, nor did those sitting behind them try to recruit.
While I was sitting there I also noticed that there were two "geek squad" employees wandering through Reeve. They had on bright orange Geek Squad hats, wearing an all black outfit, with Geek Squad written in orange on the back. They were also carrying around four orange T-shirts, which also said Geek Squad on it.
Crowds of people were in and out the whole 15 minutes, young and old.

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