Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Quotes and Observations

Quote: The meaning of life, a naive query, which understands life as attaining and aim through the act of creation of something of value. – Victor Frable spoken by the
“tea man”

I was in an unfamiliar crowd, and it was a far cry from my usual noisy and sometimes obnoxious dwellings. I pedaled my way down High Street until I reached my destination. It was the first time I had ever stepped foot in the Blue Moon Café and I felt like an outsider. When I entered the café, I felt like a lone ranger pushing aside the louver doors to enter a strange saloon.
I was eyeballed the moment I walked into the Blue Moon Café. I was not a regular, nor did I look like he kind of guy who hung out at a café. I made my way to the counter and eyed up something to drink. I chose a Baumiester Cream Soda for $2.75 and moseyed around the café for a place to observe the mellow crowd. Finally I spotted my table, which was in the far corner of the establishment.

My assignment had begun. My first targets; two middle-aged women in deep conversation with each other to the right of me. I was close enough to make out what they were saying. One of the women had curly red hair, while the other long blonde hair. The two middle-aged women had their knees crossed and facing each other. They were holding each other wrists and discussing the beautifully matched beaded jewelry they had picked out to go with their outfits. They discussed where they bought the jewelry and which types of beads they liked the most.

The red head was munching on the “sandwich of the day”, which happened to be roast beef and hummus. She was washing her sandwich down with ice water. By the time she left she also ordered the “soup of the day” veggie chipolte chili. Both women had sunglasses entwined throughout their hair. They looked expensive and so did their outfits. The red head was wearing all white. She had a white cardigan sweater with a purple scarf, not to mention white gloves. The blonde was wearing high-heeled black boots with a black and tan sweater thing.

The continued to talk about massage therapy and where they last went to get a acupuncture. When the waitress came by to pick up the soup bowl and plates, the red head refered to the food as “heavenly”. I think I may use that from now on. When the two women left they stop at another table to converse with another middle-age women and her some who was playing King’s Corner. The background music was jazz ( I think Coltrane) how suiting.

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